I am deeply passionate about the performing arts and have a strong foundation as a performer, particularly as a dancer. I value collaboration, creativity, and the ability to translate emotions into visual elements.

These collaborative projects represent my dedication to crafting immersive experiences and supporting the narrative of performances through technical and artistic elements.

Choreography: Jennifer Golonka
Photos: Ken Smith & Hanna Wolland

Divergence is inspired by our desire for individuality. The need to strip away the things that don’t fit within our lives, striving for the truest form of ourselves. It speaks to how one must define their own unique path and how all these individual journeys are intertwined.

zodiaque spring 2024


Choreography: Amy VanKirk
Photos: Ken Smith & Hanna Wolland

zodiaque spring 2024

A Pulsação

Choreography: Kurt Adametz
Photos: Ken Smith & Hanna Wolland

zodiaque spring 2024

Here beyond

Choreographed by Melanie Aceto

Photo Credit: Ken Smith

zodiaque spring 2024

front page

Choreography: Jenna Zavrel
My Lost Heart: Intense and Stark. This piece was about eating your heart out. Searching for something you may never find. It starts off fast-paced, almost jittery, with interludes of false hope and safety, only to end in a feeling of loss. 

zodiaque FALL 2023

my lost heart

Choreography: Ariel Nereson
This piece felt like losing a part of yourself and then finding it within the comfort of others. The piece follows the arc of evening, night, back to morning which is reflected in the color scheme.

zodiaque 2023

cross gather transform

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